We want everyone in the City of Wolverhampton to live longer and have a good quality of life. We have provided resources to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the city.
Factors that influence our health and wellbeing.

A range of different and connected factors influence our health and wellbeing.

We are supporting people to make healthy life choices. Helping people live longer and healthier. Working with partners, we focus on improving wider factors that can impact you, such as:

  • education
  • access to jobs and skills
  • housing
  • our environment
  • feeling safe and involved in our local community
Director of Public Health Annual Report

The 2024-25 Director of Public Health Annual Report focuses on children, young people and their families. For more information please read the Director of Public Health Annual Report for 2024-25.

Director of Public Health Annual Report for 2024-25

Healthy Choices
  • Swap to Stop – a scheme to support smokers to quit smoking by providing a vape starter pack and 12 weeks worth of vape supply, along with support from an advisor.
  • Better Health Wolverhampton – information about healthy lifestyles
  • NHS Health Check – a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74
  • WVActive - facilities at leisure centres and gyms in Wolverhampton
  • Vaccines - Find out about vaccinations for babies, children and adults
  • Healthy Goals - The project works with pre-school children and their families to promote healthy growth through education and activity sessions.
  • Drugs and Alcohol – help and support to make positive choices to improve your own wellbeing
Healthy Minds

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to feel good and function well.

At some point in our lives, all of us will experience stress, worry, grief or change.  While this is normal it may feel overwhelming at times and it’s okay to say you’re not okay and ask for some help.

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is unique to you and there are some simple steps you can take to find a balance that works for you. This could be as simple as taking a walk in nature, prioritising your sleep or talking to someone you trust. Practicing what you enjoy and doing it consistently, will make a big difference to how you feel and boost self-esteem. You can find lots of helpful wellbeing tips here:

More information

If you are concerned about your mental health or have concerns about someone else there are organisations who are able to support you:

  • Samaritans free phone 116 123 54 or email jo@samaritans.org
  • NHS 111 option 2
  • Black Country 24/7 Urgent Mental Health Helpline 0800 008 6516 or text 07860 025281
  • Wolverhampton Sanctuary Hub, 84 Salop Street, Wolverhampton, WV3 0SR

To search for voluntary organisations and nearby services visit Hub of Hope.

Health and Wellbeing Board

Health & Wellbeing Together is the forum where key leaders from the health and care system come together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community, work towards reducing health inequalities and support the development of improved and joined up health and social care services. It is the name given to the City of Wolverhampton Health and Wellbeing Board, a statutory board established under the Health & Social Care Act 2012.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

JSNA - city-wide assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of all local people.