We want everyone in the City of Wolverhampton to live longer and have a good quality of life. We have provided resources to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the city.
Factors that influence our health and wellbeing.

A range of different and connected factors influence our health and wellbeing.

We are supporting people to make healthy life choices. Helping people live longer and healthier. Working with partners, we focus on improving wider factors that can impact you, such as:

  • education
  • access to jobs and skills
  • housing
  • our environment
  • feeling safe and involved in our local community

Search #WolvesWellbeing on Twitter to see what health and wellbeing activities and initiatives are going on across the city. #WolvesWellbeing is a social media movement, that is aiming to spread health and wellbeing messages across Wolverhampton.

Healthy Choices
  • Better Health Wolverhampton – information about healthy lifestyles
  • NHS Health Check – a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74
  • Fit for a Fiver – find out if you are eligible
  • WVActive - facilities at leisure centres and gyms in Wolverhampton
  • Flu Vaccines – find out if you can get the flu jab for free
  • Healthy Child Programme/0-19 Service – providing services including health visiting, school nursing, and the Partnering Families Team (PFT)
  • Infant Feeding Team - The Infant Feeding team will provide support and information for all mothers however they choose to feed their baby.
  • Healthy Goals - The project works with pre-school children and their families to promote healthy growth through education and activity sessions.
Healthy Minds
  • Headstart Wolverhampton - resources to support mental wellbeing in young people
  • Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
  • Mental Health Duty Team - referrals for assessments and signposting
  • Better Health - every mind matters - expert advice, practical tips to take care of your mental health
  • Stress Less – advice and resources about mental health and wellbeing
  • Drugs and Alcohol – help and support to make positive choices to improve your own wellbeing
  • Base 25 and Believe 2 Achieve – providing emotional health and well-being services for children and young people across Wolverhampton
  • Wolverhampton Social Hub - community-based mental health preventative service for the City of Wolverhampton being delivered by ‘Starfish Health and Wellbeing’
  • Suicide Awareness and Support - help with identifying the issue, how to spot signs that someone needs support, what support is available locally and what we can all do to make a difference
  • How you can access NHS mental health services - Find out about the different ways to get help with your mental health, the process, and your rights.
  • The Mental Health Social Care Team - have conversations with people, their families, loved ones and carers to see if we can connect them to services or community groups. We also talk to people about ongoing assistance and arrange formal support if needed.

For further information on mental health and wellbeing go to NHS choices How to access mental health services page.

Healthy Places
Wolverhampton Information Network
  • WIN – your local directory of community groups, information about local health services and support for adults, children and families.
Partnership working

Health & Wellbeing Together is the forum where key leaders from the health and care system come together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community, work towards reducing health inequalities and support the development of improved and joined up health and social care services. It is the name given to the City of Wolverhampton Health and Wellbeing Board, a statutory board established under the Health & Social Care Act 2012.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

JSNA - city-wide assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of all local people.