If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness see what advice and assistance can be offered to you.

City of Wolverhampton Council is inviting residents, City partners and other professionals to share their views on the new Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2024. To take part, please visit Consultation Hub.

People can become homeless, or find themselves at risk of losing their home, for many different reasons.

Housing advice for you

Get advice tailored for you

Our aim is to prevent homelessness wherever possible and to relieve it where a person or family is already homeless. Services across the city offer advice, support about housing options and accommodation solutions to those that are homeless, those who may be at risk of losing their home or who have urgent housing needs.

If you are at risk of homelessness, advice and information relating to your situation can be found on the links below.

If you are homeless, or are at risk of becoming homeless very soon, contact Homeless Services on 01902 556789 (option 2) or via homeless.services@wolverhamptonhomes.org.uk