Improving and developing services and policies to ensure they work fairly for people protected by the Equality Act 2010

We have a legal duty to advance equal opportunities, eradicate unfair discrimination and foster good relations. Our Equality Analysis (EA) work helps us make sure our policies, strategies, projects and services do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of protected characteristics by the Equality Act. 

Equality Analysis (EA)

An Equality Analysis (formerly referred to as Equality Impact Assessment) is a structured way of finding out whether a policy (or proposed policy), service or strategy will have an adverse impact on any particular groups or sector of our diverse community.

Why we do Equality Analysis

The council regards equality analysis as part of the normal process of policy development and review in ensuring that our employment and delivery of services do not have any potential or actual adverse effect on groups protected under the Equality Act 2010.

When we carry out equality analysis we expect it will:

  • Help us look at whether changes to how we do things are likely to have a positive or negative impact on the people we serve
  • Help us to take account of the needs, circumstances and experiences of those who are affected by the policies/service plans we develop
  • Enable actual and potential inequalities in outcomes to be identified
  • Give consideration to different ways of achieving the aims of policies/service plans
  • Assist in increasing public confidence in access to our services, fairness of our policies
  • Help us to plan to reduce or remove negative impact, by making reasonable changes to how a particular group receives a service (For example, by providing information in a different format or providing ramped access into a building).
  • Help us to develop better and more inclusive policies and services in the future, and help us to get it right first time, saving ourselves money and time.

When carrying out equality analysis and to ensure compliance with the Equality Act 2010, we have to demonstrate that we have due regard to equality considerations which means being able clearly demonstrate:

  • at what stage the duty was considered
  • what considerations were made
  • how full compliance with the duty was undertaken

Contact Us 

If you have any questions or comments on equality analysis, please contact us on 01902 555048/4081/4063, by e-mail:

Equality Team
Corporate - Governance
Wolverhampton City Council
Civic Centre
St. Peter's Square