Elm cultivar

Botanical Name: Ulmus 'plantijn'

Common Name: Elm cultivar

One of West Parks 'Champion Trees' which was noted in 2004 as being the largest specimen in Gt. Britain. It seems to be resistant to 'Dutch Elm' disease that killed all the Parks original Elm trees. It is a cultivar of the elm tree, Ulmus. 

  • 'Plantijn' is a cultivated variety of elm, specifically selected and propagated for certain desirable characteristics.
  • The specific origins of the cultivar may depend on the efforts of horticulturists or breeders who developed and introduced it.
  • Individual cultivars like 'Plantijn' are often selected for traits such as disease resistance, adaptability to different climates, and specific aesthetic features.
  • 'Plantijn' may have characteristics that make it well-suited for urban environments or other specific landscape uses.
Landscape Use
  • Elm trees, including cultivars like 'Plantijn,' are commonly used in urban and suburban landscapes for their shade, ornamental value, and overall hardiness.
  • Plantings of specific cultivars are often chosen based on their suitability for the local climate and resistance to diseases such as Dutch elm disease.
  • Nurseries and garden centers typically offer cultivars like 'Plantijn' to individuals and landscaping professionals interested in incorporating specific elm varieties into their projects.

For the most current and detailed information about Ulmus 'Plantijn,' including its specific breeding history and characteristics, I recommend checking with local nurseries, botanical gardens, or horticultural sources for updates.


Please see the map below for tree locations and routes around the park. 

Map of Trees