Free new digital tool, Kuppa, which could help you save money on your energy bills.
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Kuppa needs just a postcode and answers to a few simple questions to give residents a detailed and personalised path to cutting energy bills.

Savings can amount to 30% immediately and up to 60% in the longer term. The easy to use tool is available to all in Wolverhampton now before being launched across the country at the end of a 6 month pilot.

The tool will recommend low cost changes to homes, which can deliver high impact energy efficiency upgrades, like investing in thermal curtains and draught proofing. The City of Wolverhampton Council is also making funds available to help eligible residents make recommended upgrades 

Kuppa will also give advice to individuals about accessing national and local grants for which they could be eligible. 

So why not sign up and benefit today? Anyone who lives in the city can sign up now at Your Kuppa.

Any Wolverhampton resident, tenant or homeowner, can take part and the tool is web-based, so does not have to be downloaded.
Key facts about Kuppa:

  • By combining your answers with public data and data from Wolverhampton City Council we can build up a picture of your home.
  • Kuppa's Energy Model shows you where your heat is going, whether that's through your walls, doors or windows.
  • Kuppa recommends the steps you can take towards an energy efficient home, showing you the cost and carbon benefits.
  • Kuppa shows you how you can take small steps to cut your energy bills by 20-30% today and up to 60% in the long term. 
  • Kuppa shows you how to reduce your home's carbon footprint by up to 90%

Sign up at Your Kuppa