Accessing some of our services may include a charge. We break these charges down, as well as outline our fines for late or lost books.


Fines Adult (18 years and over) Fine Adult (18 years and over) Maximum
Book on Cassette / CD
Compact Disc
20p per item per day £5 per item / transaction
DVD 40p per item per day £10 per item / transaction

Hire Charges

Hire Charges Adult (18 years and over) Concessions (Under 18, over 65 and My Library Discount Card holders)
Book on Cassette / CD
No charge
Compact Disc £1.00 (14 day loan) 50p (14 day loan)
DVDs £1.50 (7 day loan) 75p (7 day loan)


Reservations Adult (18 years and over) Concessions (Under 18, over 65 and My Library Discount Card holders)
For items listed on catalogue FREE FREE
For items NOT listed on catalogue £4 per item £2 per item
Music scores and playsets £15 plus 50p per copy

Photocopies / Printing

Black and White A4 20p per copy
Black and White A3 (photocopies only) 30p per copy
Colour A4 £1.00 per copy
Colour A3 (photocopies only) £1.50 per copy


Fax 1st Page Subsequent Page
United Kingdom £1.30 60p
Europe £2.75 £1.25
North America £3.50 £1.75
Other £4.50 £2.25
Incoming fax £1.50 50p


Replacement Tickets (Adult only) £1.50
Loss of item/s borrowed from the British Library £135 per item
Postal enquiries involving reference research £15.00

Room Hire 

(Caretaking opening/closing charges apply outside of library opening hours in addition to hourly rate)

Room Community Groups Other
Library Area £15.20 £20.50
Meeting spaces (up to 10 people) £7.60 £10.15
Office/consultancy Rooms £5.10 £7.60
Training Rooms £10.15 £15.20
Children’s Parties (East Park Library Community Room) £10.15 £10.15


PC Use (Charge after first 2 hours free) £1.10
Guest pass (use of PC per hour) £1.50 (Additional hour £1.00)