A Carer is anyone who provides support for a relative, friend or neighbour without payment. The person that you look after may have a mental health need, learning disability, physical and sensory disability or may be an older, vulnerable person.
The Carer Support Team offers a range of support for carers of all ages living in Wolverhampton.
The Carer Support Team can support you in your caring role by offering the following:
- Practical information, advice and guidance
- Carer's Assessment
- Benefits advice
- Signposting
- Emotional support
- Carers Emergency Card
- Carer training
- Carers Group at Wednesfield Library
- Information about Breaks for Carers
- Short break caravans
What is a Carer's Assessment?
This is an opportunity for you as a carer to talk about your caring role and the impact it has on your life. You will then be able to work through a plan to support you in your caring role.
Benefits Advice
As a Carer, there may be benefits, such as Carers Allowance to which you are entitled. The person you care for may also be entitled to benefits that you may not be aware of. During your carer's assessment, you will be offered advice and support about the benefits you may be able to claim. You should always get advice when putting in claims as sometimes claiming certain benefits can have an impact on the benefits of the person you care for. For more information please contact the Carer Support Team.
Carer's Emergency Card
Carers are offered an emergency card once they have had a Carer's Assessment so that if the carer was in an accident or emergency, the card would identify them as a carer and a contingency plan can be put into place.
All Age Carer Strategy
An All Age Carer Strategy has been developed and is available, along with an Executive Summary in the Downloads section of this page.
Information and Advice
The team provides a City Carer magazine and monthly bulletin for carers and also organises activities and information awareness events during Carers Week and Carers Rights Day. More information is available by contacting the team.
Carer Support Coffee and Chat group
An opportunity to get together with other carers for an informal coffee and chat:
Wednesfield Community Centre Upstairs Lounge, 2 Well Lane, WV11 1BW
- Tuesday 4 February 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Tuesday 4 March 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Tuesday 1 April 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Tuesday 6 May 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Tuesday 3 June 2025, 11:30am-1pm
West Park Tea Room, 21-20 Park Rd W, Wolverhampton, WV1 4PW
- Thursday 27 February 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Thursday 27 March 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Thursday 24 April 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Thursday 29 May 2025, 11:30am-1pm
- Thursday 26 June 2025, 11:30am-1pm
For any queries or questions regarding the Carer Support Groups please contact the carer support team on 01902 553409.
Associate Directors of Social Services (ADASS), in association with each of the West Midlands Authorities, have launched guidance on being a Carer Friendly Employer. The following guides can be found in the Downloads section of this page.
- Carer Friendly Employees Guide: A guide for staff who combine caring with paid employment
- Carer Friendly Employers Guide: A guide to support your staff who combine caring with paid employment
The guides offer information and support about how organisations can support carers and what employees can expect. There is also a pledge that you can sign up to and display. To become a Carer Friendly Employer and sign up to the pledge, email the Carer Support Team.
Contact the Carer Support Team to discuss the types of breaks that may be available in your local area. There is currently no charge for carers support services in Wolverhampton. From April 2015 under the Care Act, all carers became entitled to a Carers Assessment.
Find out about the services on offer for carers living in Wolverhampton by contacting the Carer Support Team:
- Telephone: 01902 553409
- E-mail: carer.support@wolverhampton.gov.uk
Follow us on Twitter, and Instagram: @WolvesCarers