Littering is a criminal offence under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
In Wolverhampton, authorised officers of the council can issue £100 Fixed Penalty Notices to anyone seen dropping litter. (Reduction to £80 if the full amount is received within 14 days).
This is just one of a range of measures aimed at making Wolverhampton a litter-free city.
There are 1,574 litter bins in and around the city.
Canal towpaths
Enquiries about litter along canal towpaths should be sent to the Canal and River Trust.
Report litter
Please note though we work all over the city, there are some areas we don't clean such as privately owned land and Wolverhampton Homes (council housing land) which includes their communal areas and pathways.
If you have an enquiry or need to report a litter problem please contact us.