We are committed to dealing with environmental crime by the use of Fixed Penalty Notices. Authorised officers of the council issue Fixed Penalty Notices for a range of criminal offences.

A Fixed Penalty Notice is an 'on the spot' financial penalty for committing offences such as:

  • Littering
  • Dog fouling
  • Drinking alcohol in the street

Pay your Fixed Penalty Notice online

If you have been issued a fixed penalty for such offences you can either pay the penalty within the timescale shown on the notice, or your case will normally proceed to court for criminal prosecution.

You can make payment by phone, by post, by Payzone or online by following the instructions below. 


Pay your Fixed Penalty Notice online

By Post 

Cheques should be made payable to City of Wolverhampton Council. 
The following information must be written on the back of the cheque:

  • The reference title: FPLITTER
  • Your Fixed Penalty Number
  • Your full name 

and post to The City of Wolverhampton Council, PO Box 260, Wolverhampton, WV1 1RZ

By Telephone

  • 0330 333 4382 - This automated service is available 7 days a week.

By Payzone

Please visit Payzone to find your nearest location. 


Who issues Fixed Penalty Notices?

Fixed Penalty Notices are issued by legally authorised officers of the council and its partner, Waste Investigations Support and Enforcement (WISE).

To speak to a WISE representative please see the contact details below:

Why do Environmental Crime Officers wear Body Worn Cameras and when are they operated?

We use cameras to:

  • protect the public from false allegations of litterings
  • our Officers from false complaints or intimidation by offenders seeking to avoid paying the penalty issued

The cameras are only switched on at the point the Officer introduces him/herself to the offender. They will explain why the camera is on.

The camera is only used during the conversation.

What do you class as littering?

There is no legal definition of litter which can be anything that is dropped, thrown or otherwise deposited and left in areas where the law applies. 

This will include the type of material that you would normally consider as litter such as cigarette butts and cans but may also include urinating and spitting.

Do I have to give my personal details to a council officer as they are not police officers?

Under Section 88(8A) Environmental Protection Act 1990, if a legally authorised officer proposes to give a person a Fixed Penalty Notice, the officer may require the person to give them their name and address. 

Failing to provide the information the officer requires constitutes an obstruction offence. 

Along with the littering offence you will also be charged with the obstruction offence and will face a fine of up to £1000.

How much is a Fixed Penalty Notice?

A Fixed Penalty Notice issued is for the following amounts

  • Litter: £100 (Reduction to £80 if the full amount is received within 14 days)
  • Dog fouling: £80
  • Drinking alcohol in a public space: £80

These amounts are set by City of Wolverhampton Council. They are much lower than the national average.

Failure to pay could lead to a prosecution and a fine of up to £2,500

I don't have the money to pay within the required days what can I do?

You can contact us to discuss options via wolverhampton@wasteenforcement.co.uk.

Can I appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice I have been issued?

No. There are no formal grounds of appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice.

If you agree that you have committed an offence and pay the penalty in full, no further action will be taken.

Failure to pay could lead to a prosecution and a fine of up to £2,500

If you believe you have mitigating circumstances surrounding the incident, please forward your representations to wolverhampton@wasteenforcement.co.uk

What happens if I don't agree that I committed the offence for which I have received a Fixed Penalty Notice?

In this case, the matter will be dealt with through formal prosecution in Court.

It will then be up to the Court, to determine whether

  • an offence was committed
  • any penalty should be imposed

The financial penalty imposed by the courts can be significantly greater than that which is imposed through a Fixed Penalty Notice.

If found guilty, the court may issue a fine and awards cost against the offender. This is likely to be more than the original Fixed Penalty Notice amount.

Is there a reduced fine if i pay early?

No, the Fixed Penalty Notice needs to be paid within 14 days to discharge criminal liability.

There is no discount for early payment.

The Fixed Penalty Notice amounts are set by City of Wolverhampton Council. They are much lower than the national average.

Why should I pay, if there are no signs about littering in the area where I dropped it?

We are not required to place signs in every street, road, highway or open park/space to tell people not to litter.

Litter legislation has been in force for many years.

Why should I pay a Fixed Penalty Notice when there were no bins nearby at the time?

It is not possible to place bins in every street, road and highway in the city.

Every effort is made to place bins where they are most needed and where there are the most people

Where there are no bins available, you should act responsibly and keep hold of the litter until you find a bin or get back home.

I received a Fixed Penalty Notice for stubbing out a cigarette, surely that can't be considered littering?

Litter can include

  • dropping cigarette butts and chewing gum,
  • urinating and spitting in a public space,
  • stubbing out cigarettes in a non-designated place
I wasn't given a warning, surely that is not fair?

Our anti-litter campaign and litter legislation have been in force for many years. It is common knowledge that deliberate littering is an offence that council's enforce using Fixed Penalty Notices.

We will give warning to children ages 17 and under or if we believe any litter was dropped accidentally.

If I pick the litter up at that time will I still get a Fixed Penalty Notice?

Yes, the offence relates to the dropping, throwing or depositing of litter and leaving it.

Even if you volunteer to pick up your litter afterwards you have committed an offence and will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice. 

What happens if I receive a second Fixed Penalty Notice within 12 months of receiving the first?

If you commit the same offence more than once in any twelve-month period, consideration will be given to prosecuting the individual rather than issuing a further Fixed Penalty Notice.

How can I make a complaint?

Email: wolverhampton@wasteenforcement.co.uk

Write: WISE
PO Box 6945

Can't find what you're looking for? If you haven't been able to find the information that you need then contact the Environmental Health team to ask us further questions.