This grant supports organisations and groups not eligible for the Government’s mandatory Restart Grant. The city’s local scheme is based on a similar set of criteria used during previous rounds of discretionary grants, subject to proof of consequent Covid loss.

Applications for this grant closed on December 31, 2021.

The aim is to support a wide range of businesses, including voluntary organisations and community groups.

It provides a one-off payment to a business or organisation using two features that will determine the level of grant they receive:

  1. The level of rate liability or the level of fixed costs value
  2. The organisation or sector of the business

Cash-based businesses cannot apply for this grant

Based on the criteria the grant values a business or organisation will receive is outlined below:

Restart Discretionary Grant Schemes

To assist businesses not eligible for the Government's Mandatory Restart Scheme

Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 1 – Non-Essential/Essential Businesses including retail

A one-off amount for organisations, community groups, charities, sports clubs, and retailers that have not been eligible for the mandatory scheme and/or do not have the rates liability

  • No Fixed Costs (Home Based/ Self Employed etc) - £500
  • For properties with RV or FC of £15,000 or under as follows:
    • Up to £5,000 - £900
    • £5001 to £10000 - £1,800
    • £10001 to £15000 - £2,667
  • For properties with RV or FC over £15,000 and below £51,000 - £4,000
  • For properties with RV or FC of £51,000 and over - £6,000

Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 2 – Hospitality, Accommodation, Leisure, Personal Care and Gym businesses

A one-off amount for hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care, and gym business premises that have not been eligible for the mandatory scheme

  • No Fixed Costs (Home Based/ Self Employed etc) - £500
  • For properties with RV or FC of £15,000 or under as follows:
    • Up to £5,000 - £2,700
    • £5001 to £10000 - £5,400
    • £10001 to £15000 - £8,000
  • For properties with RV or FC over £15,000 and below £51,000 - £12,000

For properties with RV or FC of £51,000 and over - £18,000

  • Business must be ‘trading’ on 1st April 2021 to be eligible.
  • The Grant awards are subject to maximum permitted subsidy allowances and are treated as taxable income.
  • The Grant awards will be paid out on a first come first serve basis with applicants that have provided a complete application with all information requested and that meet the eligibility criteria
  • Please choose the eligibility sector definition to see which applies to your business

How to apply

Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 1

Non-essential Businesses (including Retail)

A non-essential business can be defined as a business that is used mainly or wholly for the purposes of sale or hire of goods or services by the public, where the primary purpose of products or services provided are not necessary to the health and well-being of the public using the following criteria:

  • Businesses offering in-person non-essential services to the general public.
  • Businesses that were likely to have been required to cease their retail operation in the January 2021 lockdown.
  • Businesses that had retail services restricted during January lockdown.
  • Businesses that sell directly to consumers.

Essential Businesses (including Retail)

An essential business is a business that can demonstrate proof of consequent Covid loss.

When applying please choose Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 1 - Non-Essential/Essential businesses including Retail

Apply for Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 1

Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 2

Hospitality, Accommodation, Leisure, Personal Care and Gym businesses


A hospitality business can be defined as a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink using the following criteria:

  • Businesses offering in-person food and drink services to the general public.
  • Businesses that provide food and/or drink to be consumed on the premises, including outdoors

For these purposes of this scheme, the definition of a hospitality retail business should exclude:

Food kiosks and businesses whose main service is a takeaway (not applicable to those that have adapted to offer takeaways during periods of restrictions)

These should apply to Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 1 - Non-Essential/Essential businesses including Retail

When applying please choose Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 2 - Hospitality, Accommodation, Leisure, Personal Care and Gyms


A leisure business can be defined as a business that provides opportunities, experiences and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation, entertainment, celebratory events and days and nights out using the following criteria:

  • Businesses that may provide in-person intangible experiences in addition to goods
  • Businesses that may rely on seasonal labour
  • Businesses that may assume particular public safety responsibilities
  • Businesses that may operate with irregular hours through day, night and weekends


An accommodation business can be defined as a business whose main lodging provision is used for holiday, travel and other purposes using the following criteria:

  • Businesses that provide accommodation for ‘away from home’ stays for work or leisure purposes
  • Businesses that provide accommodation for short-term leisure and holiday purposes

For these purposes, the definition of an accommodation business should exclude:

  • Private dwellings
  • Education accommodation
  • Residential homes
  • Care homes
  • Residential family centres
  • Beach huts.

Gym and sports

A gym & sports business can be defined as a commercial or non-profit establishment where physical exercise or training is conducted on an individual basis or group basis, using exercise equipment or open floor space with or without instruction, or where individual and group sporting, athletic and physical activities are participated in competitively or recreational using the following criteria:

  • Businesses that offer in-person exercise and sports activities to the general public
  • Businesses that open to members of the public paying an entry or membership fee
  • Businesses that require extensive cleaning protocols, which significantly slow down trade
  • Businesses that offer exercise classes or activities, which may mandate space and no masks etc.

Personal care

A personal care business can be defined as a business that provides a service, treatment or activity for the purposes of personal beauty, hair, grooming, body care and aesthetics, and wellbeing using the following criteria:

  • Businesses that deliver in-person holistic, beauty and hair treatments
  • Businesses that provide services such as tattoos and piercing's
  • Businesses that offer close-contact services, which are required to deliver the treatment
  • Businesses that offer services, treatments or activities that require social distancing and cleaning protocols, which have led to a reduction in their capacity to deliver personal care services

When applying please choose Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 2 - Hospitality, Accommodation, Leisure, Personal Care and Gyms.

Where a business has multiple locations but only one bank account it is proposed that the cumulative value of either the fixed costs or the rateable lability is used to calculate the level of grant.

Apply for Restart Discretionary Grant Scheme 2