Apply to become a COVID-19 Community Champion

Please fill out the form below.

Data Protection

Your personal data will be confidential and used only to contact you about being a Wolverhampton COVID-19 Community Champion.

The information you provide will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation, which ensures that the Council and its employees protect the confidentiality of data collected from individuals. We will only use the personal information you provide to deliver the services you have requested, or for our lawful, disclosed purposes. We will not make your personal details available outside our organisation without your consent, unless obliged by law.

For further information please refer to the Council's privacy notice

Your details


Customer name


Customer address


Contact details

Are you part of a community group/organisation?

Code of conduct

We Will:

  • Provide training on key COVID immunisation messages
  • Provide support to deliver the messages within your community
  • Provide a support network of peers who are also community champions
  • Provide access to real-time Covid messaging and publications
  • Provide access to training on use of social media #COVIDVaccine and #WVCommunityChamps
  • Provide key contact for Ambassadors and Specialist Community Champions
  • Provide regular opportunities for feedback
  • Provide monitoring and evaluation forms

We Ask You To:

  • Maintain professional conduct at all time, as you will be representing the City. 
  • Not to make political statements in respect of the Coronavirus arrangements. 
  • Not to debate merits of the guidance or criticise the government, council or partners – if somebody is incorrect, simply signpost to the correct information. This is to ensure that key messages are not undermined. 
  • Deliver the messages across your community. Please do not answer any questions you are unaware of and please refer residents to this webpage for any questions and queries they may have.
  • Not to edit the community messaging or translate out of context and ensure accurate information is shared at all times. All guidance shared is from Central Government. 
  • Attend training sessions and ask for support or clarification when required 
  • Circulate real-time Covid messaging and publications across your social media platforms using #COVIDVaccine and #WVCommunityChamps 
  • Encourage those who have had the vaccine to share their positive stories. 
  • Work in collaboration with Ambassadors and Specialist Community Champions. 
  • Provide regular feedback and share data.