The scrutiny process aims to make sure that services and policies delivered by the council and others best meet the needs of the people of Wolverhampton.

The scrutiny process aims to make sure that services and policies delivered by the council and others best meet the needs of the people of Wolverhampton. It is an independent function led by councillors to check and question how decisions are made by Cabinet and the councils. Scrutiny is able to make recommendations for service improvement.

We have a Scrutiny Board which is the overarching Overview and Scrutiny Committee and then there are 6 Scrutiny Panels that sit underneath this that have particular areas of focus. You can find out about each panel below:

You can review find agendas, papers and minutes for all scrutiny meetings on ModernGov Wolverhampton.

All scrutiny meetings are webcast live, and you can also watch them back afterwards. You can access them on

Members of the public are also welcome to attend the meeting in person (unless an item is exempt under certain reasons). Members of the public will need to observe the meeting from the public gallery area. If you wish to speak at a scrutiny meeting, this would be at the discretion of the Chair so please contact the Scrutiny Team in advance. 

Scrutiny panels have a work programme for each year to make sure they look at the most important issues affecting Wolverhampton residents. We are always keen to hear from you about things you think should be improved in the city. If there is something you think should be considered for the work programme, please submit a suggestion.

At the end of each municipal year, an annual scrutiny report is produced to highlight the key aspects of the work undertaken by Scrutiny Board and the 6 scrutiny panels. To view the annual reports please visit Annual Scrutiny Reports.