We are preparing a new Local Plan for Wolverhampton and would like to hear your views. This Plan is designed to support the growth and regeneration of the City and to protect and enhance the characteristics that make Wolverhampton a special place to live, work and visit.
To do this, the Plan will make some key decisions about the future development of Wolverhampton up to 2042, including:
- where larger housing and employment developments will be located
- where infrastructure investment will take place
- areas of the City where development will be restricted, and areas of environmental and historic importance which will be priorities for conservation and enhancement
- a set of ‘policies’ – the rules which are used to determine planning applications to address big issues, such as climate change, environment, design, centres, transport and waste
Wolverhampton has high housing and employment growth needs but is a very constrained and densely developed urban area with valuable pockets of green belt. The Wolverhampton Local Plan proposes to deliver a balanced amount of sustainable development, including allocating 43 hectares of employment (industrial) land and sites for 9,330 new homes by 2042. These will all be in the urban area - making best use of brownfield sites, vacant properties and poor quality industrial land - and built at high densities, whilst protecting local character and providing a mix of house types to meet local needs. Most of these sites have already been granted planning permission or are allocated in other Plans.
This means we are not proposing to develop any Green Belt sites and some other greenfield sites which were previously considered.
More information is provided on this webpage about the Publication (Regulation 19) Stage consultation, including how to get involved and make representations, consultation documents, Sustainability Appraisal, Policies Map and Evidence documents.