Education programmes for parents, carers and grandparents.

"Parenting education expands parent knowledge about child development, builds parent skills, strengthens parent-child relationships, and promotes age-appropriate care and activities that enhance a child's health, development, and social emotional skills" (DeBord and Matta, 2002; Family Strengthening Policy Center, 2007)

Being a parent or carer is a wonderful and rewarding experience, but on occasions it can also be the hardest job in the world. Babies, children, and young people can test us all at times and we may need some help, advice and support.

Wolverhampton Early Help Services are here to support you.

Wolverhampton's offer for Parenting support includes Self-help advice and guidance or a more targeted approach with our Families Programme for Parents known as Journey of Change.

As a Wolverhampton Parent, Carer, or Grandparent you can access our parent education programmes free of charge.

Parent Education Programmes
Self Help Parenting programme

The course is online, it is not presented by a facilitator or tutor so it can be accessed at your leisure anywhere and anytime. 

The course materials are scaled down into four small modules, which include many visual pictorials to aid all types of learning. Within the elearning make sure you click on all the elements, including images, to access all the information. You do not have to access all four modules in one sitting, you can access them within your own timescale, but it is recommended that you complete all modules.

The modules are:

1. Managing Family Stress

  • How to recognise signs of stress in ourselves
  • Ways in which we can better manage our stress levels
  • The impact of our stress on children and within the family
  • How we can recognise signs of stress in our children
  • How we can help our children manage their stress levels

Complete the module

2. The Developing Child

  • Exploring the influences on our children's development
  • The needs of our children and how we meet them
  • A child's emotional needs
  • Ways in which we speak to our children
  • How to demonstrate empathy towards our children and why is empathy important
  • Actively listening to our children

Complete the module

3. Parenting Styles

  • Parenting styles
  • The importance of role modelling
  • Routines and the importance of consistency
  • Positive praise 
  • Family agreements 
  • Choices and consequences

Complete the module

4. Parenting Toolbox 

  • Why boundaries are important
  • Distract and re-direct techniques
  • Negotiating skills 
  • Reward charts
  • Time out
  • Using affective statements
  • The importance of positive reinforcements

Complete the module

We would like you to complete a simple survey at the end of the course, as your views are important to us and will help us to improve our service.

Journey of Change Families Programme

The Journey of Change Families Programme is presented in two ways. You can attend a group on a face to a face basis held within most Wolverhampton City Wide Hubs. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend one of our Hubs, we also facilitate an online course.

The Journey of Change Programme is a 4-week course with a duration of 1.5 hours each week. The days we facilitate the programme differ depending on which Hub you wanted to attend as highlighted below:

There will be a Strengthening Families Hub in your area.

  • Eastfield/Rocket Pool, Tuesday 10am - 11.30am
  • Graiseley/Bingley, Tuesday 10am - 11.30am
  • Whitmore Reans/Dove, Friday 10am - 11.30am
  • Low Hill - Wednesday 1pm - 2.30pm
  • Children's Village, Wednesfield, Tuesday 1pm-2.30pm
  • Weekly online Programme, the day will differ each term
  • Evening online programme, Tuesday 6pm-7.30pm

The Journey of Change Families Programme is designed for all age groups as it focusses on the basic principles of Parenting.

Building Stronger Relationships

  • Self-efficacy
  • Family relationships
  • Our personal power and self-esteem
  • Praise-positive parenting

Secure Attachments

  • Theory around secure attachments
  • Positive touch
  • Family agreements
  • Negotiation
  • Choices and consequences
  • Empathy

Understanding Your Child

  • Positive discipline methods
  • Behaviour management techniques
  • Parenting styles
  • Consistency in parenting
  • Emotional well-being in children


  • Self-reflection
  • Active listening
  • Relaxation Techniques

The Journey of Change is a bespoke parenting programme. This means when you have attended all four core modules a Next Steps form will be completed with yourself and the group facilitator. This will help to identify if you require further support or sign posting to additional services.

When to ask for support? 

Ask for advice and support from your GP, Health, School or Early Help Services if you notice that you are:  

  • Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope with your children’s behaviour 
  • Finding yourself yelling a lot or repeating the same things over and over to your child/ren 
  • Finding you are more short-tempered or there is increased conflict within the family
  • Feeling like you are giving up on parenting, or giving in a lot for some peace and quiet 

Support and information can also be accessed through our Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by contacting 01902 555392 or email

Why is it important to learn about parenting?

Our Journey of Change Programme enhances knowledge and understanding of the following:

Improves Parents Sense of self-efficacy - This can result in positive changes in parent's self-belief about their parenting capacity.

Child behaviours - Parents will learn effective Behaviour Management strategies, will have a greater understanding on how to reflect, use empathy and why consistency within parenting is so important.

Child/Parent Relationships - Building positive interaction and communication within the family which then builds more secure attachments between Child/Parent

Child Development - Parents will have an improved understanding of their children's development.

Social Support and Wellbeing - Parents will meet other parents who are experiencing similar situations in a non-judgemental and safe environment. Parents will also understand the importance of their own self-care and well-being.


“The Journey of Change programme has given me not only a different perspective on the way I am as a parent but on how to have fun and respect my child's viewpoint now. Things are a lot improved since I first began the programme. We have fun together, I am more confident and calmer about my abilities and decision making as a parent, and I believe my daughter respects me more for my shift in attitude”. 

“We really enjoyed the sessions; we did not feel judged which was our worry when we first started the programme. The atmosphere was very relaxed, which we did not expect. We liked the fact it was a small group of parents where everyone had time and space to speak and listen to each other”.

“Since attending the Journey of Change Programme, I will now step back and listen more to my child. I have noticed they are coming to me and openly telling me things they would never have discussed before. I am more confident as a parent with the advice and support that was given”.

Referral Process

We accept referrals from Schools, Health. Early Help and other professionals who are leading or are involved in an Early Help Assessment for your family. For further information regarding this process or any other parenting queries please contact:


Julie Baker - Family Learning Co-ordinator

  • Mobile: 07584491030
  • E-mail:

If you have any concerns regarding a child's safety or well-being, please contact MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) 01902 555392 or email

Family engagement sessions

Sessions are free to attend, run term time only and all families are welcome.

Eastfield (WV1 2QY)

  • Tuesday
    • Stay & Play, 9.30 - 11am
    • Stay & Play, 1pm - 2.30pm
  • Thursday
    • Care Leavers Stay & Play at The Oasis Hub (Willenhal Road) 10am - 11.30am

Bilston - Art Gallery (WV14 7LU)

  • Thursday
    • Bilston Boddlers Craft Stay & Play, 1pm - 2.30pm
  • Friday
    • Bilston Butterflies Stay & Play, 12.30pm - 2pm

Graiseley (WV2 4NE)

  • Monday
    • Stay & Play, 10am - 11.30am
  • Wednesday
    • Stay & Play at Graiseley Primary School, 12.30pm - 2pm
    • Baby Zumba, 1pm – 2pm

Bingley (WV3 0JE)

  • Monday
    • Bingley Bears Stay & Play, 12.30pm - 2pm
  • Thursday
    • School Readiness group for children 2yrs+, 1pm - 2.30pm

Whitmore Reans (WV1 4AL)

  • Tuesday
    • Stay & Play, 1pm - 2.30pm
  • Wednesday
    • Aspiring Futures Women support group (children welcome), 12pm - 1.30pm

Dove (WV8 1TX)

  • Monday
    • Little Doves Stay & Play, 10am - 11.30am

Low Hill (WV10 9LZ)

  • Monday
    • Stay & Play, 9.30am - 11am
  • Friday
    • Stay & Play, 9.30am - 11am
    • Baby Bop Stay & Play with a singing & interactive session for babies from birth to 12 months, 1pm - 2.30pm(Starting on 23.02.2024)

Children’s Village (WV11 1PE)

  • Thursday
    • Stay & Play, 10am - 11.30am, book via Eventbrite
    • Baby Bop Stay & Play with a singing & interactive session for babies from birth to 12 months, 1pm - 2.30pm
  • Friday
    • Stay & Play, 10am - 11.30am, book via Eventbrite