The Local Account provides residents with insight into our Adult Social Care services and how these compare nationally.

The Local Account:

  • informs the public about the services available to help them
  • provides an overview of the progress made against Adult Social Care’s priorities
  • compares local performance with regional and national figures
  • identifies priorities for the year ahead

It also includes:

  • success stories using real-life examples, photos and videos
  • the challenges we faced
  • how Adult Social Care addressed or will address any challenges


  • Bradley Resource Centre - This is a video about Bradley Resource Centre and how they support people.
  • Home Assisted Reablement Programme - This is a video about the Home Assisted Reablement Programme and how they support people.
  • IDVA - This website provides information on support and advice available to people who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
  • Trusted Assessors - This website gives more information about Trusted Assessors. Trusted Assessors connect people who are ready to be discharged from hospital with care homes or other supported accommodation that can meet their needs. This allows the person to leave hospital sooner than if they were waiting for the care home to complete the assessment.