If you want to get married in England or Wales you must register your intention to marry or enter a civil partnership at your local register office.

It is a legal requirement to give Notice of Marriage/Civil Partnership in this country.

You cannot get married if you have not given your Notice of Marriage.

Notice of Marriage is a declaration that you are free to marry, confirms your nationality, name, address, date of birth, and marital status.

Both parties need to give Notice of Marriage/Civil Partnership.

You can check availability and book the appointment yourselves by following the link in ‘How do I give notice?’ below.

How do I give notice?

You can give notice from 12 months before the date of the marriage, up until 29 days before.

Notices must be given at least 29 days before.

You must both have lived in England or Wales for seven full days immediately before either of you give notice. It doesn't matter if either of you moves to a different address once you have given notice. Notice must be given at the register office in the district where you have resided for 7 full days prior to your appointment. 

We are currently booking appointments approximately 3 months in advance.

If you live in the district of Wolverhampton, you will need to make an appointment to give notice with us.

Notice of civil partnership booking

Notice of marriage booking


Fees are updated 1st April each year

The statutory fee for a standard notice is £42 each, £84 per couple.  

If you are a non EU national or EU without settled status the notice fee is £57 each for referral to the Home Office for consideration.

Important - The notice fee will be taken when the appointment is booked by credit or debit card.

If you subsequently need to change your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible.

What will I need to bring?

You need to be able to prove your nationality and identity with ONE of the following:

  • A valid Passport
  • Birth Certificate (British citizens only) - If you were born after 1st January 1983 and do not hold a valid UK passport, you will need your full birth certificate and your mother's birth certificate. If any of the names do not match the name you use at the time of the appointment, you will also need to provide documentation showing any name changes for either you or your mother. A short or full birth certificate is sufficient if you were born before 1983.
  • Certificate of naturalisation as a British citizen
    • Please note – we can no longer accept EEA / EU identity cards. If you are a non-UK or non-EU citizen you MUST bring a valid passport.

You will also need to supply proof of your address by providing ONE of the following documents, which must also show your full name:

  • Valid driving licence.
  • Utility bill: Dated no more than 3 months before the date on which notice is given.
  • Bank or building society statement or passbook: Dated no more than 1 month before the date on which notice is given. This must have been posted to you or obtained from and stamped by the branch
  • Council tax bill: Dated no more than 1 year before the date on which notice is given.
  • Mortgage statement: Dated no more than 1 year before the date on which notice is given.
  • Current residential tenancy agreement.

If either of you have been married or entered a civil partnership before, you will also need:

  • Proof of the termination of your previous marriage or civil partnership by death, divorce or nullity.
  • If you are providing your previous spouses death certificate, you must be named on the certificate as their husband, wife, or civil partner.
  • If you have changed your name since the termination of the marriage, e.g. reverted to your maiden name, then we will also need to see a copy of your previous marriage certificate.
  • If your divorce papers have not been issued in England or Wales we will need to see the original divorce document and an English translation. A statutory fee of £83 is payable at the appointment for the verification of each foreign divorce document supplied at the appointment, and there may also be a delay in issuing the authority for marriage due to the additional checks that are completed.

If either of you have changed your name legally before such as through deed poll or a solicitor, you will also need:

  • Proof of name change.

If either of you are under 18, you will also need:

  • Proof that your parents (or legal guardians) agree to the marriage.
  • If your parents are divorced we may need to see the court order that gives custody to one of your parents. The Registrar can help with this.

Please note:

  • If you intend to marry in the Church of England or Church of Wales Church, you will need to see your local vicar who will arrange for the Banns of Marriage to be published.
  • You must both have lived in England or Wales for seven full days immediately before either of you give notice. It doesn't matter if either of you move to a different address once you have given notice. Notice must be given at the register office in the district where you have resided for seven full days prior to your appointment.
If you or your partner are from outside the UK

You’ll also need to bring:

  • a passport-sized photo for each of you (even if only one of you is from outside the UK)
  • proof of your current immigration status (for example, your visa)
  • a translation of any documents that are not in English

If you’re from the EU, EEA or have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme

You’ll need to bring confirmation of either:

  • your settled or pre-settled status - you’ll need to bring a ‘share code’ which you can get from the ‘view and prove your immigration status’ service (the code will be valid for 30 days)
  • an application to the EU Settlement Scheme you made on or before 30 June 2021, which you’re waiting for a decision on - you’ll need to bring your certificate of application

Further information on getting married or forming a Civil Partnership in England and Wales can be found on the .gov.uk website.

The website gives further information on the correct documents to present.