A new Wolverhampton Open Space Strategy and Action Plan

The Council is currently preparing a new Open Space Strategy and Action Plan, which will inform the Wolverhampton Local Plan. It will draw on the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy, and its supporting documents, and on the results of a public consultation carried out between August and October 2023. The replacement Open Space Strategy and Action Plan is expected to be approved in summer 2024.

The current Wolverhampton Open Space Strategy and Action Plan (OSSAP) was adopted in July 2018.

The OSSAP is an investment strategy and evidence for planning decisions, which:

  • Sets deliverable open space standards - in terms of quantity, quality and access - for seven types of open space, and applies these standards to five analysis areas within the City to highlight areas of surplus and deficiency;
  • Provides clear, prioritised actions to protect, improve the quality of and extend open space provision where there are deficiencies, and rationalise open space provision where there are surpluses or this could improve quality or access - taking into account cross-boundary effects and City-wide priorities;
  • Maximises effective use of existing physical and financial resources in improving open space provision.

The OSSAP includes playing pitch priorities which are based on the 2018 Wolverhampton Playing Pitch Strategy and Playing Pitch Assessment.

The current Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy and Action Plan (PPOSS) was adopted in November 2022.

The Wolverhampton Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Assessment (2022) and the Black Country PPOSS Overarching Strategic Framework (2022) are supporting documents. The latter will provide a basis for joint working between the Black Country Authorities, Sport England and other sports bodies.