The Council receives many requests from residents for these to be introduced in their roads to reduce speeds and improve safety.

There are regulations governing the layout of speed control humps. There must be a form of "slowing feature" - usually formed by a change of priority. Traffic entering the system has to turn sharp left or right into the road, or has to "give way". Sometimes mini-roundabouts are used at the start of a system of humps.

In Wolverhampton 75mm humps, which reduce traffic speeds to around 22mph, are used when new humps are installed. They have proved to be very successful in reducing road casualties.

However they can lead to complaints about increased noise and vibration, and they are not generally appropriate on roads used regularly by the emergency services.

For any further information on speed humps please contact the road safety unit:

Alternatively, please contact the Road Safety team providing as much information as you can to enable us to respond as quickly as possible.