The council is responsible for maintaining the roads and pavements of adopted highways.

An adopted highway is one where the Local Authority has taken on the legal responsibility for maintenance.

We inspect every adopted highway on a regular basis. Any area of road or pavement which the inspector thinks may become an imminent danger to road users or pedestrians is noted and a repair arranged.

If during this inspection any streets are judged to need more extensive treatment they are listed and their condition is visually assessed at a later date.

Each year we carry out a visual survey of the condition of all principal and other classified roads, some of the busiest unclassified roads and those unclassified roads that need more extensive treatment than minor repairs. This provides us with the information needed to draw up our annual structural maintenance programme.

The council has a responsibility to keep the roads and footpaths safe to use.

Wolverhampton Highway Asset Management Plan

The publication of the Highways Asset Management Plan 2010 (HAMP) is a significant step forward in how we both view and manage the city's highway network and the infrastructure that supports it. This network is one of the city's most valuable assets, measured in either straightforward financial terms or in much broader social terms such as the benefits that arise to the community as a whole, residential and business, from having a well maintained safe, serviceable and sustainable highway network.

Contact us

Street Scene Responsive Maintenance
City Services
City of Wolverhampton Council
Culwell Street
WV10 0JN