Wolverhampton City Council has launched its 5 year action plan for a greener city.

The new Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan 2013 to 2018 sets out the authority's main priorities for delivering a greener economy, moving towards low carbon energy and enhance the environment.

During the next 5 years, the plan will see the council undertake a wide range of initiatives and actions including:

  • supporting the development of jobs in the green economy;
  • ensuring regeneration schemes in which the council is a partner address issues such as renewable and low carbon energy;
  • promoting energy efficiency in homes and reducing fuel poverty for residents;
  • managing council buildings to minimise energy and water use and continuing to install energy efficient street lighting;
  • promoting low carbon transport such as car sharing, public transport, cycling and walking as well as working from home to employers and the public;
  • encouraging residents to lead healthier lifestyles and get involved in community initiatives.

Other initiatives will involve promoting nature conservation across the city, reducing waste and improved management of open spaces and drainage.

The plan will also serve as the city's action plan under the Climate Local initiative which led by the Local Government Association and is aimed at reducing carbon emissions and building greater resilience to the effects of climate change and extreme weather.

Councillor John Reynolds, Wolverhampton City Council's Cabinet Member for City Services and Sustainability Champion, said: "This is an important strategy that sets out our commitment to making Wolverhampton a greener place to live, visit and work.

"We need to support the creation of jobs in the green economy and help make homes and businesses more energy efficient which will not only help people save money on fuel bills in these tough economic times but will also benefit the environment.

"The city council is also committed to reducing its own waste and energy consumption as well as supporting the regeneration of the city through a greener environment."

People can view the Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan and Climate Local Action Plan 2013 to 2018 at Type=articles;Articleid=3231;Title=Climate change;.

  • released: Thursday 24 October, 2013