They visited St Matthias in December and, in their report published recently, found that 'everyone belongs here' and that pupils 'appreciate how caring the school is'.
The school provides a calm and orderly environment, behaviour is good, and relationships between pupils and staff are 'positive, courteous and respectful'.
Staff are 'passionate' about working with pupils and their families to ensure that pupils are ready to learn, and the school's revamped curriculum offers a wider range of subjects, is challenging and meets the interests of learners.
The curriculum also reflects the school’s high aspirations for its pupils, including those with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) who are supported well in St Matthias’ specially resourced SEND provision.
Teachers explain new ideas clearly, carefully check how well pupils understand their work and make good use of new technologies to identify gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
The school provides many opportunities for pupils to enrich their social and cultural understanding, and pupils recognise that St Matthias is 'helping them to become responsible and respectful citizens'.
Pupils have opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills as school ambassadors or fundraising for the community, and also enjoy wide range of clubs and activities. Meanwhile, a 'well-structured' careers programme gives them the chance to understand more about the world of work and enable them to feel 'ready for their next steps in life and education'.
Inspectors judged the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management all to be Good.
Headteacher Dean Coombes said: “We are pleased that a team of inspectors confirmed what we already know. Our children and our adults are doing a good job. I am proud of them.”
Councillor Jacqui Coogan, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, added: "This is another excellent report for St Matthias School which describes a calm and caring school where pupils and staff respect one another, and where students achieve well. I would like to congratulate everyone at St Matthias on their continuing success.”