Overview of the fire alarm system used in the Civic building. This is to make sure visitors in the building know our procedures if a fire is discovered

On Arrival at the Civic Centre

Sign in at the Business Reception desk, located to the rear of the building adjacent to the Mayoral Car Park.Please note, this car park is not for public use. There is a public car park located beneath the Civic Centre.

Please inform Reception staff if you require any assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation.

You will be asked to take a seat in the lobby while waiting for your host who will have been contacted and is en route.

Please remain with your host or group during your visit.

 The fire alarm warning in the Civic Centre is a two stage siren sound alert:

  • Stage 1. Intermittent and
  • Stage 2. Constant Tone

Stage 1 - Intermittent Tone- Pre-warning only

This allows for a short period of investigation by Civic Centre staff.

Your action - Stand by with your host.

Do not evacuate unless you require additional assistance or extra time to exit.  If so, you should start to evacuate towards the exit route immediately.

If the alert is silenced, return to normal activity and task.

Stage 2 - Continuous Tone

Immediately EVACUATE to the Assembly Point with your host and wait for further directions. Do not delay your exit by stopping to collect personal belongings.

Do not carry hot drinks as these can be spilled.

Do not carry coats etc. as these can become entangled and cause obstruction.

If you discover fire

Raise the alarm immediately using the nearest call point. DO NOT DELAY. This will actuate a full alert and the whole of the Civic centre will commence evacuation.

Only attempt to tackle the fire using the portable extinguishers if it is in its early stages, if you have been trained and it is safe to do so.

Proceed to the Assembly Point along with your host.

Following Evacuation

Remain at the Assembly Point until it is confirmed that it is safe to return to the building and return with your host as access into the non-public areas is controlled.