The importance of good mental health and wellbeing will be highlighted on World Suicide Prevention Day this Sunday (10 September, 2023).

Wolverhampton’s Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum is using the annual event to raise awareness of the help and support available for people experiencing distress or despair, and to open up a dialogue around this complex issue.

The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘creating hope through action’ and a number of events are taking place.

On Wednesday (6 September) colleagues from Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will be hosting an event at Blakenhall Community Centre from 10am to noon. The aim of this event is to bring people together from across Wolverhampton to promote community cohesion and enhance community confidence to prevent suicide. To book a place, please click Eventbrite

On Thursday (7 September) there is an online Community Suicide Awareness event hosted by 4MentalHealth on Zoom between 1.30pm and 4.30pm. It will give attendees an awareness of suicide and how they can support people in distress. To book a place please visit 4MentalHealth and use the code WSPD23 to access your free space.

On Friday (8 September) the Service User Involvement Team (SUIT) and Recovery Near You will be holding an afternoon of craft and arts based activities to create hope through action for people experiencing suicidal thoughts or those who have been affected by suicide. It takes place from noon to 3pm at WVCA, Temple Street, Wolverhampton WV2 4AN.  

Next Monday (11 September) Wolves Foundation’s Head4Health is holding a group walk and talk to support good mental well-being. It takes place at West Park from 2pm to 3pm. Those wishing to join are asked to meet at the Southgate entrance just before 2pm. Everyone is welcome, for more information please email or call 07971 900257.
Finally, on Tuesday 12 September there is an online event open to everyone across the Black Country. World Suicide Prevention Day "Hope through Action". Book your place at Eventbrite

Please remember that there is a range of help and support available across the area for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. If you are having a difficult time or if you are worried about someone else, contact The Samaritans on 116 123 or by emailing Emails will be replied to within 24 hours.

The Rethink mental health support line is available to residents of all ages who are experiencing mental distress and require urgent support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling 0800 008 6516.

Wolverhampton Talking Therapies – for people experiencing common mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress – can be contacted on 0800 923 0222 or 01902 441856 or

The Kaleidoscope Midlands Suicide Bereavement Support Group offers a safe space for people aged over 18 who have lost someone to suicide. It meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 7.30pm to 9pm at Hope Place, 321 High Street, West Bromwich B70 8LU. 

Rethink Support After Suicide offer support for close family members including children and young people who are bereaved by suicide. Their service offers One to one practical support, Suicide Bereavement Counselling and Bereavement Peer Support Groups.

You can refer yourself or someone else by calling the Black Country 24/7 helpline on 0800 008 6516 or email  

Look Out for Wolverhampton is the city’s ongoing Suicide Prevention Awareness campaign. Please visit Look Out for Wolverhampton

Clare Dickens, MBE, Chair of the Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum, said: “The Forum is a group of organisations across Wolverhampton who recognise suicide can be prevented and want to make a difference to the people of Wolverhampton and, as we approach World Suicide Prevention Day 2023, I am reminded of just how multi faceted efforts within suicide prevention often have to be. 

“Our work also has to span a continuum that recognises the pain that can often be left behind following a death by suicide, and the support we owe to those who are affected. 

"For thoughts and distress that can be so complex, no one single thing can be considered the key to tipping us back to a point of safety or wrapping around those who are navigating a complicated grief. However, kindness and a commitment to listen are good starting points, which I do not underestimate can be difficult in the busyness of our lives, the stresses and pain we navigate ourselves, and this is without the fear and stigma surrounding such a complex topic.”

World Suicide Prevention Day takes place on 10 September each year and is organised by International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organisation.