We aim to only offer accurate information on www.wolverhampton.gov.uk but do not guarantee that all of the content is correct at all times.

Sometimes the content may be either:

  • simply incorrect
  • out of date
  • not the entire set of information held by the Council on a particular subject


The City of Wolverhampton Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages.

Content on the site provided by other organisations

A number of voluntary groups, clubs, societies, and charities have provided information for this website. The details are intended for use as information only; the provision of this information does not mean that the City of Wolverhampton Council specifically endorses the organisation featured or guarantees the accuracy of the details published.'

Inaccurate content

If you discover any information on our pages which you believe to be inaccurate or inappropriate, please inform the contact given on the page, if any, or contact our webmaster@wolverhampton.gov.uk.