The Democratic Services Section is responsible for the administration and servicing of the council's decision making bodies together with other internal and external bodies.

These bodies include the Cabinet and Cabinet Panels and regulatory bodies, such as the Planning Committee, Non-Statutory Licensing Committee and Statutory Licensing Committee.

The principal duties of the Section are:

  • providing advice and assistance for Council Officers on all aspects of the decision-making process including advice on the Constitution
  • ensuring that Council meetings and all decision making bodies comply with legal requirements including access to information by the press and public
  • maintaining the Council's Committee Management System (Modern.Gov) by which the Council's decisions are published on the internet
  • the co-ordination and publication of the Council's Forward Plan, which details key decisions to be taken by Cabinet Members
  • monitoring and reviewing on behalf of the Monitoring Officer, the operation of the Constitution
  • providing support and a range of administrative tasks and assistance to the City Council's 60 elected Councillors via the Councillors Support Office

How to contact Democratic Services